Livestock and Fishery

Probiotic Additive

Livestock and Fishery

Formulations of beneficial microorganisms, primarily bacteria, and yeasts, confer several advantages when administered to livestock or aquatic species, These live microorganisms colonize the digestive system and promote a balanced microbial environment, improving health and performance.


Probiotic Additive for Livestock and Fishery


Application in water

  1. Measure and mix 5 mil into every 1 liter of water
  2. For their 4-liter drinker, mix 20 mil into their water
  3. Once the drinker is dirty, pour the water into a bowl, clean the drinker and pour the water back into the clean drinker.

Application in feed (1 liter can be used for 5 bags of feed)

  1. Mix 200 ml (a peak milk tin container) of the product into 1 bag (25kg) of feed
  2. Allow to dry for at least 1-2 hours
  3. Package the feed back in their respective bags
  4. Feed the chicken with the usual quantity.


Application in feed (1 liter can be used for 4 bags of feed)

  1. Measure and mix 250 ml (a peak milk tin container and 5 covers of the bottle) into 1 bag (15kg) of feed
  2. Allow to dry for 1-2 hours.
  3. Package the feed in their respective bags
  4. Feed the fish with the usual quantity.


Measure and mix 10 mil (1 cover of the bottle) into every 1 liter of water.